During the local lockdown, only residents of RCT or within the Health Board area should access the MIU department and those who are isolating due to contact with a confirmed case should not attend.
Exclusions: Head injuries with the following should NOT be referred to MIU: Anyone under 1 year old, any loss of consciousness, any focal neurological deficit since injury, abnormal drowsiness, amnesia, persistent headache post injury, vomiting, seizures, previous brain surgery, a high-energy head injury, suspicion of a skull fracture or penetrating injury, history of bleeding or clotting, currently on anticoagulant therapy, current drug/alcohol intoxication, large gaping wounds, or if there are any safeguarding concerns, any unwitnessed falls any injury in child or elderly adult.
Out Of Hours Access Arrangements: Can refer patients to the nearest open MIU when this MIU is closed, or patients can be seen in their nearest Emergency Department if urgent.